UV Contact Lenses

Green (1)
Pink (1)
Red (1)
Yellow (1)
14.2 (1)
14 (3)
Chromaview (2)

UV Contact Lenses

4 products found.
UV Green Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Promotion
UV Green Cosplay Colored Lenses (Daily)
UV Red Cosplay Colored Lenses | Daily Contact Lenses
3 For 2 Promotion
UV Red Cosplay Colored Lenses (Daily)
UV Cat Yellow Cosplay Colored Lenses | Daily Contact Lenses
3 For 2 Promotion
UV Cat Yellow Cosplay Colored Lenses (Daily)
UV Pink Contact Lenses | Daily Costume Contacts
3 For 2 Promotion
UV Pink Cosplay Colored Lenses (Daily)
Get ready to glow with the UV Party Contact Lenses. These contacts contain pigment that is activated by UV lighting, allowing for a super striking effect. To have a pair of glowing eyes featured in your outfit is sure to make your look stand out from the crowd. UV Contact Lenses come in a wide range of colors to ensure cohesion with a huge variety of outfits and looks. Whether it's for Halloween season, for a Cosplay costume, or glowing up for a party or rave, these contacts are ready to go. You can trust us when it comes to providing lenses that allow for comfort and ease of use. The super thin profile and lightweight construction on these lenses ensures the lens feels super soft when worn. These features ensure that the eye is kept hydrated during the wear period. There's always plenty of excitement around the UV party lenses as they are so unique and bright when compared to the rest of the range. Please make sure to use the proper lighting for these lenses to get the full glow effect, these contacts are not glow-in-the-dark so will not spontaneously glow.