Once you have received your order, if you have decided you no longer wish to keep the items, you can return them to us to receive a refund or exchange for the items. If you are returning your order to us due to buyer remorse, please be aware the customer is responsible for the cost of returning the products to us. 

Please note: All products must be returned in their original sealed package, free from damage. Any tampering to the returned products or product packaging may lead to your return being denied.

To initiate your return, please visit our Contact Us page and submit a ticket.

Returns Policy

As soon as we receive your return we will endeavour to process the order and contact you in a swift manner. Please allow 3-5 working days for our team to action your return before submitting a ticket for an update.

  • Order Contents: Please ensure the returned item(s) are packaged correctly to reduce any damage to the items during transit. For a successful return, items must be in their original condition with untampered packaging. 
  • Item Condition: When returning your item(s) to us for an exchange or refund, please note the returned goods must be in their original condition and unopened state. All returns are inspected upon receipt and any products not in appropriate condition for resale will be disposed of.
  • Free Items & Promotional Prices: If you’ve placed an order that contains a free gift, this will also need to be returned in order to receive a refund or exchange. Failure to return these items may result in a deduction from the final order value. When returning sale items or products that have been purchased with promotional pricing applied, the refund value will reflect the price paid at the time of purchase.
  • Time Frame: When placing your order on Funky Lenses, you have 30 days from receiving your order to submit a ticket for a return or exchange. Once this has been received, and the contents confirmed; you will receive a refund/exchange. Postage cost may also be deducted from the final value if you have used a returns label service.
  • Postage: After contacting our customer services team and preparing your package to send, we always recommend using a tracked courier service. We can only offer refunds or exchanges on physical orders we receive.