Complete Funky Coloured Contact Lenses Safety Guide

Complete Funky Coloured Contact Lenses Safety Guide

In our series of safety guides, you can find information about how to care for your coloured contact lenses and eyes to ensure you can enjoy a safe and comfortable experience. Often people assume that coloured contact lenses are uncomfortable but with high quality contact lenses and the correct care, they are as comfortable as regular lenses. To get you started we have created guides for Inserting and Removing your contact lenses as well as FAQs and troubleshooting which you can find below.

The first step is to know what you are looking for when it comes to purchasing coloured contact lenses. Our lenses are FDA approved which means they have been safety checked. The coloured contacts we stock have a soft and flexible surface that is made from lightweight breathable material and high water content. These factors combine together to create comfortable lenses that keep your eyes fresh throughout the day. The specialist pigment is added in a safe process.

The next checkpoint is that your eyes are suitable for the lenses. First, make sure you have had a contact lens fitting from your eye doctor or optician, even if you are purchasing non prescription coloured contacts. The lenses need to have the correct base curve and diameter for your eyes not only to ensure they are comfortable but also so the lenses will successfully stay in your eyes.

How to care for your contact lenses

  • Always start by washing and drying your hands before handling your contact lenses. Use an antibacterial unscented soap to wash your hands.
  • Remove your contact lenses from their packaging and place them in a contact lens case. Soak in fresh contact lens solution for two hours prior to use. The storage solution is a higher concentration than regular contact lens solution.

Contact Lens Tips

  • Insert your contact lenses before applying eye makeup.
  • Always use fresh solution every time to clean and store your lenses.
  • Remove your contact lenses immediately if your eyes become irritated.
  • Only use your contact lenses for the recommended wear time. For our coloured contact lenses, that’s 8 hours per day.
  • Build up the wear time of your contact lenses. We recommend starting with 2 hours on the first day, increasing the time by 2 hours on each consecutive day to a maximum of 8 hours per day.

Contact Lens Don’ts

  • DO NOT use water, saliva, or any household products to clean or soak your contact lenses. None of these will disinfect nor properly clean your lenses but they could introduce unwanted bacteria. Always use a recommended contact lens solution.
  • DO NOT handle your contact lenses with sharp fingernails as they can easily tear. Instead, use a contact lens inserter wand to help.
  • DO NOT sleep whilst wearing your contact lenses, even for a short nap.
  • DO NOT wear your contact lenses whilst showering, swimming or during water sports.

Blind Contact Lenses: Due to the style of these contact lenses and how they cover the pupil, they offer limited vision. You will not be able to see clearly out of these contact lenses. Do not wear these contact lenses whilst performing any tasks that require clear vision.

Troubleshooting Contact Lens Discomfort

If you are experiencing discomfort from your contact lenses, this could be for a number of reasons. Always start by removing your contact lenses to reduce any further irritation, then work your way through this checklist. Ultimately, it is always best to listen to your body and if you experience persistent irritation or it does not reduce after you have removed your lenses, make sure to consult a doctor for advice. Monitor your eyes for any signs of redness or infection. However, with the correct preparation, fitting, and care you should have no problems.

Contact Lens Discomfort Checklist:

  • Have you soaked your lenses before use? Our coloured contacts are designed to be soaked for at least 2 hours in fresh contact lens solution. Place them in an airtight contact lens case, submerged in fresh contact lens solution. The storage solution is a higher concentration of solution, meaning the PH may be too strong for your eyes.
  • Have you checked for tears or damage? Before every use, even if your contact lenses are new, it is important to closely inspect the lens surface for any signs of damage or tears. If you do find any, do not attempt to wear the lenses. Instead, take a picture and contact our customer services team.
  • Have you checked for debris and build-up? Sometimes the smallest spec of dust can irritate your eye so make sure to thoroughly rinse the surface of your lenses with contact lens solution and only handle the lenses with clean hands. If you do notice anything on the surface, usually another rinse with contact lens solution will solve the problem. However, if you have dropped the lenses onto a surface or handled them without washing your hands do not attempt to insert the lenses.
  • Have you checked if the measurements of the lenses match your eyes? All types of lenses have a base curve and diameter measurement that must match your eyes for a comfortable fit. If you have prescription lenses, you will have the additional measurements of a plus or minus strength to choose, for clear vision.
  • Have you checked if the lenses are the correct orientation? Contact lenses have a right and wrong side. It can be easy to tell based on the colour of the lenses but for some designs, you will need to look at the shape of the lenses. A smooth bowl U shape is what you are looking for, rather than a V.
  • Are the lenses in date and within their duration? Making sure you only wear contact lenses for their intended duration is the best way to keep your eyes safe. Daily lenses can only be worn once and 30 day lenses can only be worn for up to 30 days (not 30 wears). Even if your lenses are still sealed, check your lenses are in date and have not become faulty during storage.
  • Have you got any makeup or moisturiser on the lens? Take care when applying makeup or other substances such as moisturiser as these can get onto the surface of the lens and cause problems with comfort and safety.
  • Have you sprayed perfume, deodorant or hairspray near your eyes? If you use any sprays, make sure to use them before taking your contact lenses out of their case and inserting them. Make sure the air has cleared so you don’t get any particles on the lenses.
  • Do you experience hay fever or any other allergies that cause your eyes to be sensitive? At certain times of the year, you may find your eyes are more sensitive. For example, if you have hay fever, you may not be able to wear lenses during high pollen seasons.
  • Have you been wearing your lenses for more than 8 hours per day? To keep your eyes healthy and prevent them from becoming dry, it is important not to exceed 8 hours of wear each day.
  • Could you have an allergy to the lens material or solution? While it is extremely rare, some people may have allergies to the contents of the lenses or the solution.

If none of these apply, you can simply try soaking your contact lenses in fresh lens solution and inserting them again. However, if you are still experiencing irritation, remove them immediately and contact our customer services team. Again, if the irritation does not subside visit an eye specialist or doctor. Your eye safety always comes first over completing a costume or cosplay.

This may all sound scary but we are covering all bases and the reality is very few people experience lens discomfort from our FDA Approved coloured contact lenses. Many of our customers report back on how easy the lenses are to use and wear, to the point they don’t notice them in their eyes.

In this article and our Inserting and Removing articles, we have covered as many FAQs as we can but if there is something you would like to know that we haven’t covered, please get in touch and our knowledgeable team will be happy to help.

Appears In: Blog Blog Safety Guides

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